Carolyn Paris is responsible for a significant refurbishment of the Red Hill Tennis Club. New LED lighting, new synthetic grass courts, refurbishment of the clay courts and the installation of an online court booking and remote gate access system. Carolyn managed every aspect of the project, government and Tennis Australia grants, project management of various contractors, community consultation, fundraising (Spiegel Tent cake stall, including a radio interview on ABC 666), working bees and even rolling up her sleeves and doing the work herself! The project was not without significant challenges and Carolyn’s commitment, positivity, enthusiasm and tenacity were vital to its success. Carolyn has been a major part of increasing participation at the Red Hill Tennis Club. Carolyn organizes the clubs Junior Pennant Teams (15 teams of Juniors) each Junior Pennant season ensuring that all the players understand and feel comfortable on the court, as well as helping parents gain better understanding of competition Tennis. In doing this Carolyn has been able to transition a number Junior Pennant players to full playing members of the Red Hill Tennis Club, who also take part in the annual club championships and club competitions.