In April 2016, Touch Football ACT introduced a new modified format of touch football at the Volleyball ACT Lyneham Beach Facility. The development of this new, modified competition aimed to provide an opportunity and to encourage participants and the local community to continue playing in what is considered the ‘Off-Season” between the regular Summer and Winter Competitions. The modified formal provided an alternative to the standard game of touch football and aimed to provide an offering for those who could not commit and participate in the regular 14 week competition or those in the community who were interested in becoming involved in the sport at a more social level. The 2016 Beach Touch Competition has proven to be a success for its first year with a greater opportunity for growth in years to come. The introduction of the Beach Touch format was warmly received by the TFACT community in 2016. Not only did it provide the membership an innovative new, modified format of the game and very different setting, but also the ideal ‘filler’ between Summer and Winter seasons.